Roger Salway
Economic Development Director
Derby City Hall
1 Elizabeth Street, 2nd Floor
Derby, CT 06418
(203) 736-1478 (phone)
(203) 736-8880 (fax)
Tax Incentive Application - Adopted - 10-11-2018.pdf
Tax Incentive Ordinance - Adopted - 10-11-2018.pdf
Master Plan Report Downtown Now!.pdf
PPD Zone (Text) Plan of Conservation and Development.pdf
RFQ Downtown Redevelopment District- Closing date 1-30-18 5pm.pdf
Orientation Downtown Redevelopment District 12-26-18.pdf
With full funding from a Grant from Connecticut's Department of Community and Economic Development, the City of Derby has Engaged the services of internationally renowned DPZ to help Derby successfully position the south side of downtown Main Street for development. The project, known as Downtown Now!, is expected to jumpstart the expansion of Derby's tax base and restore the City's downtown to a vibrant center of economic and community activity.
Downtown Now!, tagged Derby's Blueprint for Progress, is one of the most comprehensive initiatives ever undertaken for the south side of Main Street. Not only is it comprehensive, it is unlike any previous effort. Past attempts to develop this area were developer-driven. This effort will be inspired by citizens such as yourself and will be rooted in real world economics, giving it the greatest opportunity for implementation.
Click Here for a full listing of the upcoming workshops.
Click here for details on the Community Voices Workshop being held Thursday, September 22.
Click here for details on the Community Choices Workshop being held Wednesday, October 26.
Click here for details on the Charrette being held Monday, November 14, to Friday, November 18.
Click here to review the Interim Report prepared on November 11, 2016 by DPZ Partners.
Firm Selected for Downtown Revitalization Planning Project.pdf
Consultant Selection Team Appointed
Consultants Sought for Downtown Planning Project
Request for Proposals #2015-034 - Downtown Derby Revitalization Planning (exp 2:1:16)
Derby Awarded Grant for Downtown Revitalization Planning
Follow up to the September 22nd Workshop.pdf
Naugatuck Valley Corridor Economic Development District 2016 Draft Annual Report.pdf
Downtown Derby Revitalization Planning RFP 2015-034.pdf
Questions & Responses- Optional 1:19:16 Pre-Bid Meeting.pdf
Draft- Pedestrian & Bicycle Accomodation re- Route 34 Widening.pdf
2015 Community Engagement Report.pdf
List of Attendees- Optional 1:19:16 Pre-Bid Meeting.pdf