Parks & Recreation Commission

John Bittmann, Chair        meddvcc1.jpg


Heather Beauton

Michael Kelleher

Jose Rivera

Bruce Sill

Ronald Sill

Diane Smith

Invited Non-Voting Participants  

Dennis O'Connell - Parks and Recreation Director

Jennifer Moffat - Athletic Director Derby High School

Veterans Memorial Community Center    

§ 7-18.  Activities  

The  activities  carried on in the Veterans Memorial Community Center located at Fifth  and Olivia  Streets shall here after be conducted  and  supervised by the Parks and Recreation Comnrission acting by and though the Parks and Recreation Director.    

Parks & Recreation Commission    

§ 7-81.  3 year term, Appointed by Mayor and Approved by the Board Of Alderman
(7) members, no more than 5 from the same party