PROJECT: Main Street Widening - ConnDOT Project #0036-0184
The State of Connecticut has planned for the reconstruction of Route 34 from Bridge Street to Ausonio Drive. This major road-widening project is fully supported with state and federal funding.
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) is overseeing the project.
Plans for the project are in final design.
Property owners on the south side of Main Street are in direct negotiation with the state for relocation settlements. A number of properties are now under state ownership.
Construction is estimated to begin in the spring of 2017. 2/29/16
Click here for link to Route 34 Widening Project
Draft: Pedestrian & Bicycle Accommodation re: Route 34 Widening .pdf
PROJECT: Naugatuck River Bridge Project - ConnDOT Project #0036-0182
In May 2014, the Connecticut Department of Transportation began construction activity for the rehabilitation of Bridge Number 00947, Route 34, Main Street, over the Naugatuck River. The cost of the project is approximately $8.8 million.
The project consists of the rehabilitation of the full length of the bridge including replacement of the concrete deck, replacement of bridge bearings, sidewalk, and lighting. New fascia girders for a new sidewalk will also be installed. Bituminous pavement will be installed after deck repairs.
The project is currently in the construction phase. 2/29/16
PROJECT: Operational Improvements to Route 34 at Derby-Milford Road - ConnDOT Project #0036-0195
The Connecticut Department of Transportation's (Department) Office of Engineering is currently developing plans to improve the overall traffic operations at the intersection of Route 34 (New Haven Avenue) at Derby-Milford Road.
The proposed improvements include widening Derby-Milford Road to accommodate a three-lane approach to Route 34; a two-lane approach from Sentinel Hill Road; and creation of an exclusive right-turn lane from Route 34 to Derby-Milford Road. The additional lanes aim to reduce traffic congestion, and improve the overall operation and safety of the intersection.
The project is currently in the design phase, with construction anticipated to start in spring 2018. The project has an estimated cost of $3.1 million, and will be undertaken with 80% federal funds and 20% state funds.
The state DOT office hosted a public informational meeting about the project on Wednesday, March 2, 2016, at 7:00p.m. at Derby City Hall. The meeting was followed with a question and answer period. Residents, commuters, business owners, and the community at large were encouraged to attend.
Those who wish to submit written questions or comments about the project can send them to: William W. Britnell, P.E., Connecticut Department of Transportation, Principal Engineer of Highway Design, P.O. Box 317546, Newington, CT 06131-7546; or via email to
The proposed plans are available for review at the City Clerk’s Office at Derby City Hall. 4/28/16
PROJECT: Improvements to Derby-Shelton Bridge
The state bonding commission has authorized $2 million for the rehabilitation of the Derby-Shelton Bridge, which spans the Housatonic River connecting Route 34/Main Street in Derby to Howe Avenue/Route 110 in Shelton.
Proposed improvements include:
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) is overseeing the project.
Construction will begin upon ConnDOT's approval of the plans. 2/29/16
PROJECT: Rehabilitation of Derby-Shelton Route 8 Bridge
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) is planning for the rehabilitation of Bridge No. 00571A, which carries Route 8 over Housatonic River in the cities of Shelton and Derby.
The existing bridge, built in 1951, is a multi-span structure consisting of three deck truss spans, and nine welded steel plate girder spans with a total length of approximately 1,578 feet. It has a varying width and carries six lanes of traffic in the northbound and southbound direction. It was rehabilitated in 1990 when additional trusses were added to increase the width to allow for the addition of on and off ramps.
The proposed project consists of the steel repair, localized painting, substructure repair, upgrade of the lower inspection catwalk, and general repairs to the bridge fencing, railing, drainage, and navigation system.
The rehabilitation of this bridge is to be undertaken with Federal-aid On-System funds. The estimated construction cost for this project is $9 million. It is anticipated that work on the bridge will be undertaken in a way that will minimize impacts to traffic. There is no rights-of-way involvement associated with this project.
Work is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2017 and be completed in the fall of 2018. 2/29/16
PROJECT: Waterbury Branch Line Improvements
Under the Let's GO CT! Transportation Ramp-Up Program signed into law 2015, the State of Connecticut has planned a number of significant improvements to the Waterbury Branch Line (WBL) of Metro-North in an effort to increase service. Click here to access the program's dashboard which provides additional details about the WBL project as well as its current status. 4/28/16