Zoning Regulations

  The Zoning Enforcement and Wetland Division is responsible for the review and issuance of zoning and wetlands permits.  Zoning and Wetland Department complaints are investigated and cease and desist orders issued if necessary. The Division manages the activities of the Planning & Zoning, Zoning Board of Appeals and Wetlands Commissions.  

A complete set of the Zoning Regulations may be purchased at City Hall.  

For reference purposes only, you can now view the City Zoning and Subdivision Regulations on-line by clicking on the following links :

Derby - Zoning Regulations - Updated to 02-08-2022 

Derby - Subdivision Regulations - Updated to 02-21-1992

 Derby - Affordable Housing Plan - Adopted - 4-29-2024 - Planning and Zoning Commission and 6-20-2024 - Board of Aldermen/Alderwomen 


Kevin White

Acting Zoning Enforcement Officer
Acting Inland-Wetland Enforcement Officer

